Battle at the Castle Softball


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The tournament can provide information for accommodation in the neighborhood of Oosterhout for every available budget. These facilities are only suggestions.


Charme Hotel Oosterhout -Located in the city centre of Oosterhout, 15 minutes walk to the softball park.


Tulip Inn Oosterhout - 10 minutes drive to the softball park


Hotel ´t Zonneke - Located near the city centre of Oosterhout, 25 minute walk to the softball park


There are also multiple bed and breakfast opportunities in Oosterhout. Check out for all facilities in Oosterhout.


Bungalow Parks:

De Kurenpolder - Park with golf course in Hank, 15 minutes drive to the softball park


De Katjeskelder - In a forest in Oosterhout, 10 minute drive to the softball park


But of course you are free to choose whatever accommodation you desire!